Canby Wood 2

National Director of Business Development



Canby Wood, J.D.

Canby Wood is the National Director of Business Development at Blueprint Trial Consulting. Canby earned her law degree from American University WCL and practiced law for close to a decade before launching a career in litigation sales for AMLAW 100 law firms and Fortune 500 Corporations.

A Washingtonian “Super Connector,” Canby is a co-founder of several legal networking organizations, including The Ad Idem Network, a 501(C)(4) corporate counsel network, and The Washington Area Women Trial Attorneys, a network committed to advancing women lawyers in the profession.

Canby loves to connect her trial attorney colleagues and friends to Fortune 500 legal departments, and has a passion for brainstorming topic ideas for her legal communities (“hey you, that would make a great CLE program!”).

Outside of work, Canby enjoys morning hikes with her dog, traveling with her husband, and watercolor painting with her two daughters.