Matt Kops 2

Director / Senior Litigation Consultant



Matthew Kops, Ph.D.

Dr. Matthew Kops is a Director / Senior Litigation Consultant at Blueprint Trial Consulting. Matt focuses on identifying what drives juror decision-making. He listens for where jurors will react to there being holes in a case. Matt works with attorneys at all stages of the litigation process, providing strategic recommendations for developing the best-case story that will appeal to jurors. He also assists in building that case story into witness testimony and identifying worst case scenario jurors.

Previously, Matt worked at another litigation consulting firm for 10 years, where he was a Director. Since 2002 he has worked on more than 250 trials in state and federal venues throughout the United States. His experience includes litigation involving:
Intellectual property, contracts, product liability and personal injury, employment, pharmaceutic securities, toxic torts, antitrust, fraud matters, insurance, profess malpractice and healthcare.

Matt received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Loughborough University in the UK and a B.A. in Psychology and History from Georgetown University.